welcome to my blog!

hey guys! this is my first blog post- thanks for checking out this section of the website. i was like, hmmm what should i write about... i've never had a blog before and there are sooooo many options lol. well... i decided that i definitely needed to immortalize one of the coolest nights ever: when i saw LUCY- cooper b. handy- play for the first time!

a couple weeks ago (mar 15) me and my most most incredible road trip buddy, dj pal and true friend, rebecca found ourselves at quite the party on pearl st in atx! it was seriously popping off... and i know there is a lot to be sad about in terms of sxsw, but i still find myself grateful that so many cool bands still come to play in austin, and often for free (lol not to mention all the free yerba mate you probably will recieve... the new fuze... or something lmfao). all of the bands and event organizers who make shows happen out of the spirit of DIY and fun- THANK YOU!!

especially in this case, a thank you to promoter joe kerwin who, even though i don't really know anything else about..? i'm pretty sure put LUCY on the lineup for this party we were at. also a thank you to rebecca because she is SO KEYED IN to good music, fun things to do and how to have an amazing time. this night, me n rebecca were coming 2 PARTY lol -aka- we were fired up to dance and talk to new people, and it was EPIC. i even saw peeps i knew from SAIC out of the blue which was CRAY!!! all the groups who played were incredible, too. i especially enjoyed seeing the rap duo HYPNOSIS THERAPY play a super energetic set. when LUCY came on though- the energy was INSTANTLY ELECTRIC. his performance and stage prescence was on another level!! i even made a new friend while dancing- we bonded over LUCY! my favorite part was when he sang "beauty + the beast," i started crying- crying of laughter and emotion. thank you LUCY for such a powerful experience.

i'm not sure how to describe his set better than this quote from GQ on how tiktokers responded to his atlanta performance: "comments could be divided into three gradient categories. The first is those who ... found LUCY’s set to be confusing and disjointed, and couldn’t comprehend why he continuously intoned 'Georgia… Georgia…I’ve got a few more for you,' into the microphone between songs. The second category of commenters meekly admit that they actually kind of liked his set, and relished both his uncannily earnest cover of 'Beauty and the Beast' and the strange theatrics that accompanied it. The third and smallest tier consisted of real heads..." (annie armstrong for GQ, 2023).

when i read that article (to rebecca while she was driving, in a post-show haze of obsession) i was like OMG- so real!! i'm happy to say that austin, austin, was repeated MANY times, sometimes even during songs, LOVE IT! i was also happy to discover that he sounds awesome in recording too! and that you can listen to his music on spotify and watch many videos too. i've linked his "beauty + the beast" video above. wow!!! what a magical night... thanks for reading this post! signing off, -twyla